Auto Insurance

Why You Need to Get a Comprehensive Car Insurance Cover Now

Eric Williams Written by: Eric Williams
Mike Reyes Edited by: Mike Reyes
Last Updated February 17, 2023

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someone asking questions about buying a used car

In most cases, car insurance is compulsory by law. Nevertheless, protecting yourself from the gruesome costs of everything related to a car accident is also essential. Unlike the collision cover, the comprehensive cover is optional for vehicles. Should you contemplate what covers are worthwhile for your car, hereโ€™s the ultimate headstart. This article explains all that comprehensive insurance entails and all you need to consider. 

What Does A Comprehensive Car Insurance Entail?

Comprehensive car insurance helps pay for the replacement or repair of your automobile if it is stolen or destroyed in a non-collision disaster beyond the owner’s control, such as destruction caused by a storm, a fire, or theft or vandalism. Comprehensive vehicle insurance is ordinarily voluntary, but you may be forced to get it if your automobile is financed or leased. 

Although comprehensive car insurance isnโ€™t mandatory, itโ€™s usually required to lease or finance a car. Even though comprehensive car insurance provides better coverage, it isnโ€™t overly expensive. Below is a brief detail of what comprehensive insurance covers and doesnโ€™t cover.

Comprehensive car insurance covers the following:

  • Damage from theft
  • Natural Disasters
  • Vandalism and civil occurrences 
  • Damage from animals
  • Damage from fallen objects like trees
  • Windshield Damages (in some cases)

Comprehensive car insurance does not cover:

  • Damage caused by a driver without a driving license
  • Damage caused under the influence of alcohol
  • Natural wear and tear of the vehicle
  • Damage as a result of a collision
  • Injuries to the driver of the vehicle

How Does a Comprehensive Car Insurance Work?

In most circumstances, comprehensive insurance has a deductible, which is a certain sum deducted from a claim check, usually between $500 and $1,500.

Imagine you were in a car accident. And your vehicle was hit by a violent hailstorm, incurring $1,000 in roof and bonnet damage. Your insurer will cover $500 to fix the mess if you had a $500 deductible and filed a comprehensive claim. If the car were wrecked by hail, the insurers would deduct $500 from the vehicle’s worth before the event and give a check for that sum.

The insurer considers a car totaled when the repair cost surpasses the worth or even measures up to it in some situations. You can still choose to repair your vehicle, but your insurer will deduct the asset value from your refund. Some insurance providers refuse to cover salvage title vehicles or demand a higher premium.

Raising your deductible might help you save money on your comprehensive insurance policy. A coverage limit is usually included with comprehensive insurance, the most your insurance company would pay on an authorized claim. The coverage maximum is normally the same as the car’s real cash value (or market value). Just ensure you have enough cash in case of an emergency.

Depending on your coverage, you may receive either the actual cash worth or the replacement cost value of your vehicle if itโ€™s stolen. Your insurance provider may compensate you for the price of a new car of the same type as the stolen one if you have a replacement cost value coverage.

Please remember that each auto insurance company’s coverage, deductibles, and limits differ.

Factors to Consider When Considering A Comprehensive Car Insurance

If youโ€™re considering whether or not comprehensive car insurance is worth it, here are three critical factors to consider.

  1. Your car’s lender may need comprehensive coverage

Your lending institution may demand you get comprehensive coverage until the carโ€™s pay is complete when you’re financing or leasing a vehicle.

  1. What is the age and value of your car?

Comprehensive coverage is voluntary when you have completely paid for your car. It’s a good idea to look up your vehicle’s worth. Would you be able to spend that much to have your vehicle repaired or replaced if it was damaged or lost in an accident? Optional coverage, like comprehensive coverage, could be a wise investment if you can’t afford to pay out much in cash.

The value of your car depreciates with time, making comprehensive coverage less valuable. This is true since the protection will never give more than the car’s worth minus your deductible. Know the actual cash value of the vehicle and your deductible when determining when to cancel comprehensive coverage.

Then think about how much you’re spending on insurance. Comprehensive coverage wonโ€™t save you money if the value of the policy plus the deductible exceeds the value of your car. Even if you determine that comprehensive insurance is worthwhile for the time being, you should review this calculation as your automobile ages and receives new car insurance rates.

  1. What is the cost of comprehensive and collision coverage on an annual basis?

According to the Insurance Information Institute, take the amount you’d pay for comprehensive coverage in a year and multiply it by ten. Is your car less valuable than that? Then comprehensive coverage may not be an economical choice for you. To put it another way, you should talk to your broker about whether or not adding these coverages to your auto insurance policy makes sense.

How is a Collision Coverage Different From a Comprehensive Coverage?

Collision insurance, like comprehensive insurance, is usually an option except if the owner leased or took the vehicle on a finance contract. However, collision insurance provides a very different level of protection than comprehensive insurance.

Collision insurance provides compensation for auto repairs or replacement after your automobile has been damaged in a collision, whereas comprehensive insurance covers non-collision incidents. An accident with another vehicle, a solitary accident including a flip, or a collision with a fixed object such as a fence is generally covered.

Collision insurance, like comprehensive insurance, often covers the car up to its actual monetary worth.

When Is it Worth It To Get Comprehensive Care Insurance?

Whether you loan or lease your vehicle, comprehensive coverage will almost certainly be required. If your automobile is paid off, you’ll have to consider whether getting this supplementary coverage is worthwhile.

Also, if you have a modern automobile and want to safeguard your funds in the event of damage or theft, comprehensive coverage could be a good purchase. Determine how you would afford to replace your car or pay for costly repairs. If not, you might find that comprehensive coverage is worth the money.


Comprehensive car insurance is excellent if the car is new and has a high market value. However, conducting thorough research is essential when considering saving money on car insurance. Check multiple providers to compare quotes and features to see which fits the need. Also, insurance buyers should regularly be updated to ensure theyโ€™re still getting value for their money.


Is it necessary to have comprehensive insurance on an older vehicle?

Comprehensive insurance is probably unnecessary if you don’t have a loan or leasing contract on your car. Compare the value of your vehicle to your comprehensive deductible plus the coverage cost. If the difference isn’t significant, you’re overpaying for coverage you don’t require. Retaining coverage wonโ€™t make sense if the vehicle isn’t of high value.

Does comprehensive insurance cover theft?

If your automobile is stolen, comprehensive coverage will cover the replacement cost. The insurer will pay the value of the car minus your deductible.

What kind of comprehensive insurance do I require?

Comprehensive coverage assures you equal to the price of your vehicle, minus your deductible. All you have to do now is pick whether or not you need comprehensive coverage and how big your deductible should be.

Is it possible to get only comprehensive insurance?

Comprehensive coverage is usually not available on its own. You’ll need to get other types of coverage besides comprehensive coverage since each area has its minimum auto insurance requirements. Some providers may demand that you get collision coverage and comprehensive coverage.

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