Operating a Business

How to build a dream team: tips for small business owners

Vadim Cristea Written by: Vadim Cristea
Mike Reyes Edited by: Mike Reyes
Last Updated September 22, 2021

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In any business, if you don’t know where to start, consider ready-made examples. Your competitors have probably published hundreds of job postings. What do they write there? In the company directory, you can find your direct competitors or companies from related markets, look at their ads and find out what kind of employees they need, what requirements they have, and what they offer. Also, see who they are looking for in the directory of professions.

  • Requirements – competitors’ job descriptions help you assess the market and see if your requirements and offers are adequate. If your competitors have salespeople who only stand behind the cash register, while you also have to accept goods, put them on the shelves and sometimes work overtime, you have to think about how to make up the difference or describe the additional functionality in an attractive way.
  • The benefits package includes free meals, a public transportation pass, and a gym membership. A company where people are taken care of is more willing to work, and there is less staff turnover. It is also useful to spell out what compensations are available in the organization, and they may not necessarily be material.
  • Bonuses are additional things that the employer provides. For example, for a barista, it could be a percentage of dessert sales, and for a teacher, it could be a bonus for leading a large group.
  • Experience – it’s often easier to train a beginner in a couple of weeks than to overpay a professional with a couple of years of experience.
  • Freelancers or telecommuters – people who don’t need to travel to an office usually accept a lower salary because they don’t have to spend time commuting and may not have to follow the dress code.
  • People with disabilities, students, or professionals who can work part-time – consider whether these options are beneficial to you.
  • Onboarding – what is the format of onboarding new employees. This can be included in the staff, civil law contract, contractor agreement, self-employment, and so on.

And don’t forget to pay salaries to your employees on time, so that they are motivated to work. To learn how to facilitate this process, consider using payroll software.

You can start from a ready-made vacancy and adapt it to your conditions. It’s great to take away the fear of a blank slate – a state where you don’t even know what letters to fill out!


Evaluate salaries

When you analyze your competitors, you can find out how salaries are distributed. However, when you study them, you will be confronted with the wording “salary according to the results of the interview”. Behind it could be anything. For example, maybe the company’s level of financial incentives is a trade secret. Or employers do not write a specific figure, because they want to hire a specialist for pennies or offer an amount below market.

Be sure to specify the salary if you are looking for an ordinary employee with a standard range of duties. For example, a salesman, a janitor, a courier, a waiter, a cook.

If you need an employee who will do more than usual, it is important to accurately list what he will do. And indicate the salary, albeit slightly, but higher than the market.

Take a closer look at temporary performers

If you need to hire people for a season of retreat, it’s wise to look for temporary employees. Freelance Recruiters can help you find employees for any task: accounting, IT, technical support for events, sales consultants for a retail outlet, hostesses, and so on. They will be much easier to work with, and you can promise them nothing in terms of career advancement.

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