Andy & Liz Kolodgie
About The Author
Andy and Liz are Virginia Tech grads who went from coding software for Navy ships and aircrafts to flipping houses. As co-owners of The House Guys, we have years of experience buying, renovating, and selling homes in the Washington DC Metro area.
House Hacking – 18 Ways Revealed For Success
House hacking existed way before the phrase “house hacking” existed. House hacking is when someone buys a primary residence and rents it to tenants who cover a portion or all of the mortgage. So, instead of covering the entire mortgage payment to gain equity in the home, the tenants pay rent towards the mortgage while…
A Millennials Guide to Fix and Flip Houses
Have you seen all of the house-flipping shows on TV? Every single one? But now you’re wondering how to get into fixing and flipping houses yourself? We cover the ins and outs of investing in real estate by flipping houses, from finding a “good” deal to leveraging creative finance techniques and lowering your chances of…